Psalm 23

February 13, 2022
Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3 He…
The Great Commission The book of Matthew connects the Old Testament looking for the coming messiah with the arrival of the messiah in the New Testament. The Messiah, the Savior,…
There is much misunderstanding and false teaching about the Holy Spirit’s role in the Christian’s life. However, the Bible is very clear when you look at the context. In this…
This sermon is part two of our Joy sermon. In this lesson we will look at the proper attitude to have toward trials and setbacks. And, to help us understand…
Money (5) Departing From The Faith. The Great Money Apostasy. If you missed the brotherhood debates of the 1960s, you may not have heard this material. Since those debates, many…