Pressing On Against Opposition

September 25, 2022
Nehemiah 4:8 and all of them conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion. 9 Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we…

Characteristics Of Christians

September 18, 2022
Matthew 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the…

Signs of Idolatry

September 11, 2022
2Kings 17:33 They feared the LORD, yet served their own gods-according to the rituals of the nations from among whom they were carried away.
Judges 7:2 And the LORD said to Gideon, "The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory…
2Corinthians 3:1 Do we begin again to commend ourselves? Or do we need, as some others, epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you? 2 You are…
Deuteronomy 8:1 "Every commandment which I command you today you must be careful to observe, that you may live and multiply, and go in and possess the land of which…