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Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh…

Forgetting The Past

January 30, 2022
I often ask people the question “where do you live?” When they give me a street address, I say no – I mean do you live in the past, the…
Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise…
God’s plan has always been for us to experience abundant, rich, overflowing lives. Lives filled with wonder, joy, confidence, and peace. But who do I rely on? Will I rely…

Safety In Shipwreck

January 16, 2022
Safety in the shipwreck. There are many natural physical events that take place that we can learn greater spiritual lessons from them. The shipwreck in Acts 27 is one such…
The Great Commission The book of Matthew connects the Old Testament looking for the coming messiah with the arrival of the messiah in the New Testament. The Messiah, the Savior,…
There is much misunderstanding and false teaching about the Holy Spirit’s role in the Christian’s life. However, the Bible is very clear when you look at the context. In this…

The Fullness Of Time

January 9, 2022
There are many evidences to prove the validity of God’s word. One of those evidences is the topic “The fullness of Time.” We see God’s fingerprints through out history. Orchestrating…
This sermon is part two of our Joy sermon. In this lesson we will look at the proper attitude to have toward trials and setbacks. And, to help us understand…
God created us to live a life of joy and happiness. Satan tries everyday to rob us of our joy. This sermon is part one of a two part sermon…
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