Christianity is a “Show Me” religion. We need to understand some of the things that make the gospel attractive. And, understand that we will not be effective attracting people with…
Who is Jesus? Jesus is the preeminent one. He is above all, before all, and head of all. He is the creating one. He is the transforming one. He is…
God has always had a pattern for the work and worship of His people (Hebrews 8:3-5). He has a pattern for the use of His money collected on the first…
Money (3) God’s return on His investment. We expect a good return on our investments in this world. Why do we act as if God does not expect a good…
What we are and what we shall be. 1John 3:1-2 We shall all be changed. We live in a physical world. We have physical experiences - for just a few…